16 weeks
1 hour sessions
$113 per session
$1,808 for 16 week program
(Plus $193.99 for optional summary document)
Cancellation policy:
100% of intended fee (regardless of notice given)
Group costs are split evenly amongst all participants over the 10 week class duration.

Therapy Group

What’s the Buzz? Is an evidence-based program to teach young people social and emotional intelligence, designed by Mark Le Messurier & Madhavi Nawana Parker. Life Skills Hub offers the Primary and Teenage versions of the program.
This version of the program is aimed at middle school aged students (aged 9-11) and runs over the course of 16 weeks. The activity-based program invites participants to explore a range of topics to better support the development of social skills by communicating the underlying social principles.
Topics in this program include:
Meeting people and exiting
Seeking attention
Peer pressure; when to follow and when to go your own way
Being friendly
Competition; winning and losing with style
Feelings; Yours, mine, and everyone’s
Feelings and the warning signs
Feelings and thinking positively
Feelings and well-being
Anxiety – name it and work with it
Handling disappointment
Bullying and bullying-styled behaviours; dealing with them
The connecting ‘ART’ of conversation
Self-awareness; building emotional intelligence and identity
The value of giving encouraging feedback