What is an FCA?
A Functional capacity assessment (FCA) is comprehensive assessment of a person’s current skills to identify any areas which they may require additional support or assistance. An FCA evaluates a person’s level of independence to perform daily tasks that they may need or want to do in the home, community and work (if applicable).
FCA assessments include reviewing skills in the areas of communication, social interaction, learning, mobility, self-care and self-management relative to expected development.
At Life Skills Hub, FCAs are completed by our Occupational Therapists and may be completed within the clinic, home or community depending on the individual needs and circumstances of the young person and their network.
What does an FCA process look like?
FCA’s are compromised of both face-to-face sessions and non-contact time for reading documentation, interpreting assessments and writing up the final report. The final report includes a very detailed account of observations, assessment results, current functioning of the individual and detailed recommendations for supports.
How long will the FCA process take?
The amount of hours for an FCA will vary depending on the individual needs of the client and their circumstances, but will at minimum take 10 hours including the writing of the report. This process typically takes a minimum of 6 weeks depending on client and clinician availability. Please note that cancellations or missed sessions will extend this time out further.
What will the FCA report include?
The FCA report will include a comprehensive overview of the person's current functioning in all areas of daily life. It will include information about a person's skills and level of independence to perform daily tasks across the home, community and work (if applicable). The report will reflect skills in the area of communication, social interaction, learning, mobility, self-care and self-management relative to expected development. Furthermore, it will include thorough recommendations for supports to appropriately meet the person's needs and promote their independence.
How much will an FCA cost?
The amount of hours of an FCA will vary depending on the individual needs of the client and their circumstances but will at minimum take approximately 10 hours including the writing of the report. FCA's are charged at $193.99 per hour.
Note: Life Skills Hub clinicians are unable to provide FCA’s relating to Home Modifications or Return to work as this requires additional specialised training.
Depending on the needs of the person and their circumstances,, sessions may consist of phone consults, clinic and/or community visits and sessions with support networks.
$ 193.99 per hour
Minimum 10 hours for total package
Cancellation policy:
48+ hours notice: No cancellation fee
24-48 hours notice: 90% of intended fee
24 hours or less: 100% of intended fee
To Book
Please note there are often wait times for FCA's.
Email: admin@lifeskillshub.com.au
Phone: 08 8180 0761